Water Quality Monitoring

Passmore laboratory offers a unique service

Water user communities concerned about their source creeks and springs can adopt a program which will allow them to assess water quantity, quality and detect changes or trends over time.

The program was developed with assistance for Water Survey Canada Staff and in conjunction with local scientists and government agencies.  It has been reviewed by Environmental Agencies and follows recognized protocol for evaluating streams (1).

Samples are collected according to a predetermined schedule and tested for  conductivity, pH, turbidity, suspended solids and coliform bacteria.   A gauge is installed in the creek, calibrated and read at recommended frequencies. A yearly report summarizes findings. These programs rely on community participation.

Monitoring programs have been or continue to be carried out on  creeks in the Slocan Valley, Kaslo, North Shore, Harrop/Proctor and Blewett.   If you are interested please contact us at 250-226-7339
(1). Summary and Review of Water Quality Monitoring Studies: Arrow Forest District 1996-1999